Election Challenge
A district of ARPA Canada
Download the Form!
With the provincial election called just over a week ago, and election day (May 29) around the corner, Albertans will once again go to the polls to vote for their next MLA’s. If we look at the different party policies, it can be somewhat difficult to differentiate between them, which is unfortunately their goal. We encourage everyone to do their own research into their local candidates to find out which represents the values that we hold. Depending on the ridings there will be candidate forums held where you will have the opportunity to engage with the candidates, and to ask questions. For those that are interested in volunteering in any way, please reach out to your constituency office.
ARPA Southern Alberta has decided to turn up the heat with a fun, but very important challenge! As a chapter we would like to extend a competitive challenge to our reformed communities. And yes there are prizes….! Now that we have your attention read on. It is called the ‘Election Challenge’, and it may require you to get out of your comfort zone, but that’s ok, doing nothing will change nothing. So ask a friend, brother, sister, mom, dad, or even your grandpa, and start the challenge. You will find the challenge attached. There are some ground rules which you will find listed below.
Must be 16 years of age to enter
Minimum of 10 hours to qualify
Monetarily reimbursed volunteers do not qualify
Must be subscribed to ARPA Southern Alberta mailing list
Submit filled out challenge to southernab.arpa@gmail.com by June 10 2023
20 $50 gift cards
Who wants to go to Ottawa to visit Prime Minster Justin Trudeau? Just kidding, but yes there is a final prize which is a trip to Ottawa!
Gift cards will be given to those with the most hours volunteered 1st, and then down from there. Trip to Ottawa will be given to the volunteer with the most hours. If there is a tie, we will do a draw. This trip will be planned around the March for Life, we also plan to have ARPA Canada involved to fill the volunteer’s days with political action. There is no cash value to this trip. Conditions may apply. Southern Alberta ARPA shall have complete, and sole discretion for this offer.